Viroqua Food Coop

Viroqua, WI

The Viroqua Food Co-op project, was  a 8,850 square foot addition with an 8,500 square foot remodel of existing store.   The project increased the capacity to better serve the growing customer base.

Highlights include:  New roof and siding, underground utilities to support infrastructure, increased offices for employees, and an expansion to every department. New refrigeration system including RACK, coolers, freezers, hot/cold bars, and control system was installed, as well as new food service equipment.

Wieser Brothers worked with the Co-op to phase construction in a manner that allowed the store to remain open through-out the entire construction.   In addition, building materials were re-purposed  wherever possible, with local community members re-utilizing portions of the existing building that needed to be removed.


Rushford-Peterson Early Childhood - 12 School


Arcadia Credit Union